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A walk to remember

Greg Raposo


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this is about greg!
Gregory Frank Raposo.Greg was born in Long Island, New York on May 3rd, 1985 to Maryann and Octavio Raposo. He was the first child to be born out of four, he has 3 younger sisters,Amanda,Nicole,and then Daniella.

  From the begining When Greg was 2 years old, his mum had got him a toy guitar, Mrs Raposo had to buy many of them, his fansiastion with guitars became big,at 6 years old she had decided to buy her son a real guitar and take her son to guitar lessons,his guitar teacher had told Greg to take vocal lessons but he didnt want them,claiming that he had a horrible voice. Greg carried on with his lessons and then finally agreed to take up vocal lessons aswell.

ok i found this yet agian on the net (so thanks to whoever this pic belongs to!lol)
  heres the middle As the lessons went on, to much of Greg surprise, he had a good voice and was a very fast learner.
Afetr he entered a talent contest for Parent Guide Magazine.
After he had won the Parent Guide Magaizine contest with singing a Elvis Presley song, his mum had entered him to Star Search, which he had came up to second place (yay!)
Greg had performed at Graceland for the 20th Anniversary of Elvis Presley's death by Priscilla Presley herself!He was the only child there!

heehee greg!
  And the end! After all the action , Greg had audtioned for broadway on broadway,he had got the part to sing for the opening act, he sang "are you ever gonna change" infront of 50,000 people (thats loads!)
He later on joined Broadway kids,they had recoreded 2 albums and Greg had met Christopher Trousdale, future memeber of Dream Street! they both had audtioned for a band called Boy wonder and they had got in , but boy wonder didnt have enough people to backit up so they had fell, but Greg and Chris soon later came back with agroup callled "DREAMSTREET!"

As Dream Street have split (court thingy) Greg has decided to go solo (yes hes back! yay haahaa more talking about him in class yay!) he's bringing out an album and he has featured in the film "the biggest fan"

ok this is proberly the most gorgous pic ive ever seen! (ok it wallpaper so who cares!)