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A walk to remember
Greg Raposo
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Ok ive done l loadsa things in the last 2years of liking dreamstreet and here are many of them!
Ya really wanna know what ive been up to for 2 years with my obession ok here goes!
Hehe typical Aimee things!
ok heres some things ive done!
1) i brough the cd over the net which cost my mum £24.99
2) ive begged my mumfor the ds live video and when i finally got it my video player wasnt compatible so my mum has to get me an tv and video player compatible to usa videos
3) ive gone around arnold singing it happens everytime
4)i found out what school jesse goes to and printed of his may meal menu! heehee
5) ive covered my homework diary with dream street pics
6) i bugged chirs (natz mate) because he has the same name as chris trousdale
7) i wont go out with any other guy only greg
8)i dream of greg walking through my door and sitting next to me(heehee)
9) when i get bored in science i just stare at the door and i can feel greg is coming closer (lollorna sorry for bugging u in science about gerg and babbling on about him all double peroid!)
10) ive totally convinced my self im gonna egt married to greg
11) i search blockbusters (video shop) for jungle to jungle and i found it and it cost £1.99! haahaa but i dint have any money so i couldnt get it but later on the next day it was on tv!
12) i found out where greg goes to school and tried to write the the princple to say if gerg does go to this school but roxy (yay my good ole mate!) stopped me!
13) ive tired to read all of gregs summer reading (i saw it on the school site) but they are to hard (maybe because hes like 2 years older than me!lol)
14)i watch law and order on channel 5 (english tv) every firday god that programme is boring!
15)i named my unoffical birthday on the 90th april(jesse bday) i dont see y the queen can have a unoffical bday and i cant!
16) i txt people saying "love always aimee raposo"
17) i think ive given my friends an headache with "greg greg greg" "ya know what"
18)my friends know what im gonna say next coz i say it everyday
19)ive made my self sick( no on purpose) coz i ate crab (chris' fav i think) and ive found out im allgric!
20)i made my mum eat with me at frankie and bennys
21)ive re named frankie and bennys to frankie and gregs
22)on my b day (27th july!) i went to american adventure and had to have an american day!
23)i can now say "coffe"and "yeah" in a new york accent
24) i spent £1.50 on a letter whihc i sent to the rong place to dream street but i think it got sent somewhere else
25)i email the people at amozan.com and towerrecords.com and start asking "how long tillmy cd comes" "how long does my vidcome?"
26) i cant sleep without greg singing "america" on my cd walkman
27)ive made greg glue! heehee its glue with pics of greg stuck on!
28) ive read up about lacrosse and even looked for a team i can join
29)i was phyically sick when dream street broke up
30)i cried for 3hours none stop the day they spilt
31)i go around school chanting " they dont understand, undestand pokemon!"
32) i got the pokemon 2000 dvd with dreamstreet performing the dont understand on it for uk people after the film and i dont have a dvd player!
33)i wait by the phone on days im bored so greg would phone me
34)i sit in lessons counting what time it would be in usa
35)i can remeber the excat detailwhen i first saw them! (22nd april 2000!)
If you can think of anything else i can do email me!
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i love dreamstreet