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A walk to remember

Greg Raposo


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Aimee and her mates! yeah i do have them!
i have lotsa mates! they are
Natalie Robsion
Natasha costello (tasha)
Lucy Dawsonn(moosy)
Sarah Finn (finny lol hahhaaa)
Roxanne Carter (Roxy!)
Lindsay Portrea (linds ya rock!)
Nadia gresko
Leonie moore (leo)
Claire roberts (claire r)
Mummy!(lol shes my friend comeon she has to be in the list!)
Kirsty Bailey
Rebecca Farrelly (becca)
christopher roymod (chirssy sissy)
if i forgot anyone im sooooooooo sorry emailme and ill put ya on the list!

The history behind the great wonderful aimee slater
Ok bet ya wondering who the hell i am, well im aimee! lol of course! ok heres some details about me

Name: Aimee Slater

dob: JULY 27TH 1987

siblings: one lil brother aiden (hes so sweet!)
nicknames: mimi, aimz, amz,amanda (tasha dont bother!)

fav singers: mandy moore , britney , christina milian , aaron carter , i love the sisetr act people!, nolan sisters are great!,atomic kitten ,daneil beningfield,


fav food: pizza, pasta , jaffa cakes!, the boots superstore sandwiches

fav place to be: in my room

crush: ahhh that would be telling! ok ill say one GREG I LOVE GREG!

fav song at the moment: only hope by mandy moore , it happens everytime (lol lucy!) by dreamstreet

fav tv show: ummm its a close between seseme street , teenage muntan hero turtles and blues clues!

fav colour: orange!

theres more to me than dreamstreet (i think lol)
so youmite be bored with dreamstreet by nowme goign on and on about them but i likeother stuff , i love kelly osborne (the singer) pap dont preach! i love that song! i also like reading i love the book love lessons! its about a girl called rachel whos in yr 11 (for the american people who are viewing this 10th grade!) and she falls for her new english teahcer and its a great book!
i love musicals aswell yes boring but they are reallygood the songs are wicked , i saw blood brothers by willy russell with my schoolin july i loved in we went to london and stuff i love london!
i love nottingham city town thingy its wicked there are so many guys to eye up! i love it there are different kinds of boys! have your pick!
ilove swimming! i love it so much but i usally go sometimes to just swim but i go swimming club every tues!

yeah email please!

my faboulos site i love and adore!
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