My site my site my site not yours!8820

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A walk to remember

Greg Raposo


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Hi and welcome to my webbie! im Aimee Slater a small ickle 15yr old from Nottingham if ya dont know where that it (ENGLAND!) this site is about my life and my fav things! you may come around some boring things and intressing things i will try to updated regualrly! take a look around
aimee slater

There are amny things like like such as music, reading , going out wiht my mates , going on the net and more stuff , latly (like last year) my best mate ever natalie robinson left and ive had to cope with out her, but ive managed shes sulking down in cornwall and im enjoying life so natz this is for you STOP BEING MARDY AND ENJOY LIFE AS IT'S HERE!

Recent update 19th septemeber- my first day!
Shane west!
look up! haahaa not at the celing at the pic thats sexy shane west phew hes hott!

i love dreamstreet!
if ya dont know who dreamstreet are they are (were or however you wanna put it) five fine guys from new york who made a band! (wellduh!) i love greg! i really do, ithey have brought out a debut album dreamstreet (10th july 2001) and video (dreamstreet live - novemeber some time) there are (were) 5 memebers frankie,jesse,matt,chris and greg!
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wanna know more?
i have werid obbessiosn but dream street aint a obession its a thingy thing (lolifit makes sence!) i like many other things as well such as:
swimming (im on a team! yay)
i love a walk to remember i love that film
shane west fit!(hes the dudein the first pic!)
greg raposo (dreamstreet!) the dude in the second pic!

Dreamstreet- greg's the second left one!
Oh my god this is greg hott hott i love him hes a ex memeber from dreamstreet but i love him!!!!!!!!!!!
email me to add more stuff on!